Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Existentialists , Idealists , why did we became Fascists ?

Existentialists , Idealists , why did we became Fascists ?
Before  talking  about the intellectual causes which made us Fascist , it`s must to determine what does Fascism mean philosophically ?
The philosopher of Fascism and the minister of Italian Fascist regime Sir Giovanni Gentile saw the state as a supreme representation of Spirit , while Mussolini himself said `` for us the nation is not just territory but something spiritual .. A nation is great when it translates into reality the force of its Spirit`` , so it`s obvious that Fascism is too Idealist as a political Ideology , but did I support Fascism only for its Idealism ? is there any other philosophical doctrine which made me support  it ? why should state face to Idealism as its purpose and cause ?   why Idealism at all ? 

Existentialism as a Background Of  Idealism  , then Fascism :

To ask about the background of Idealism is to ask about the background of mind itself as long as `` Idealism is always emphasizing  the primacy of mind than matter `` , let`s determine this background referring  to the first question of being using a proposition of Sir Martin Heidegger `` why does being at all instead of nothing ? `` for more simplifications I will change it henceforth with `` what gives our being an ultimate value ?`` , while to ask about value is to ask about will because the value is the matter of our will , as long as there is no value for something  that is absolutely unwanted , so the first question of being is a question about ``will`` that we should being always conscious about . 

The Existential Philosopher 

sir Martin Heidegger .

Mind as a faculty of the will consciousness is what we called `` Spirit`` or ``Giest`` in German language , that William James said `` Spirit is Mind and nothing more than a Mind , but a Mind seen in the scope of values `` , so Spirit is not only a psychological mind or a machine of logical processes but a supreme value of mind , the mind of mind .. which we must refer to for giving anything a value and sense, what makes it a supreme goal of humanity, let`s back to Fascism and its relations with ``Spirit``.
The state as a supreme rule should represent the supreme purpose of humanity , it should represent `` Spirit`` , while Fascism is the only political doctrine which emphasizes that , therefore the Fascist regime is the only legitimate one .