Friday, December 23, 2016

Modern Democracy 

Democracy is a word belongs to the Greek word (δημοκρατία, Dēmokratía) emphasizes the right of people to govern themselves , but how could people govern themselves ? or what is the good way which people govern it ? For modern democracy (belongs to the enlightenment age especially to the French Revolution 1789 ) the best way of governing it by  the majority rule with election ? but is possible that people would choose the wrong governor or the wrong social manner of life forcing minority to live with the same way what is called ``Tyranny Of Majority`` , that Socrates was hanged by the majority rule .

Painting by Jacques-Louis David  Describes the murdering of Socrates called ( The Death Of Socrates) while we see that is a wrong title chosen by the painter who was the friend of Robespierre and member of Jacobins so it`s perhaps that this title is for hiding the ``Tyranny of majority `` .   

Democratists argued that the tyranny of majority is less dangerous than the minority`s , but that didn`t  eliminate the possibility of individual to be right while all others are wrong because all judgements are ultimately belongs to the individual mind as an only responsible about himself in his life , unless it`s were only a skepticism in a political form and there is no value for society nor for individual .
  For sublate this dialectical problematic between individualism and collectivism we must think about Spirit ( mind of mind or mind as such) as a transcendent entity and conclusion because the supreme purpose of men is to live a spiritual life using his mind  who created  men as an individual , so to live a spiritual life is to use your mind what means that the individual life is requested by Spirit itself , therefore the individual precede society  with his rationality and spiritual goal while society should also exist as an entity which Spirit is incarnated , that the philosopher of Fascism Sir Giovanni Gentile saw that  State and Individual are the same .

Conclusion :
 Enlightenment  thinkers were deists and naturalists with any vision upper the psychological mind , while  German Idealism especially the Absolute Idealism of  Hegel and ultimately Actual Idealism of Sir Giovanni Gentile looks to the psychological mind as a creation of Spirit the mind of mind , therefore the modern democracy of the enlightenment age should be sublated  for the Fascist Political theory as a pure intellectual idea and a wholly creation of the spiritual mind . 

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